校友的特性 校友们现在在做什么?

“If God can work through me, he can work through anyone.”–St. 亚西西的弗朗西斯



The 传统的荣誉 are the highest honor bestowed by 正规博彩平台 upon an outstanding alumna or alumnus. The awards salute the achievements of alumni whose “personal lives, 专业成就, and community service exemplify the objectives of their alma mater.”

Franciscan Service Award Criteria

  • Nominee must be an alumnus/alumna of QU as defined by the 正规博彩平台 Alumni office (degree preferred but not required)
  • National Alumni Board to select
  • Significant contributions to their community, state, and nation through professional service, 公共服务, 或者公民活动
  • Honorees offer inspiration and encouragement as role models for principled leadership and a wholehearted commitment to serving others


  • 2020 -保罗·布朗' 65
  • 2021 –  Fr. Frank Kordek, OFM ' 67
  • 2022 – Dan ’63 and Pam ’65 Sherman
  • 2023年——简·菲尔德71年
  • 2024 – Joe ’65 and Judy Claes

升鹰奖 Criteria

  • 40岁以下青年校友
  • Nominee must be an alumnus/alumna of QU as defined by the 正规博彩平台 Alumni office (degree preferred but not required)
  • National Alumni Board to be involved: Young Alumni Council to select
  • Who demonstrates success early in his or her career and is active in the life of the university or the life in their community


  • 2020 -布雷迪·基里昂' 13
  • 2021年-梅根·格里尔20岁
  • 2022 – Julianne Touhy ‘ 15
  • 2023年-埃文·麦高伊16岁
  • 2024 – Daryle Hightower ’12

Bill O’Donnell Distinguished Alumni of the Year Criteria

  • Based on professional accomplishments and contributions to the community and humanity
  • Nominee must be an alumnus/alumna of QU as defined by the 正规博彩平台 Alumni office (degree preferred but not required)
  • Nominee must demonstrate a belief in 正规博彩平台’s mission and vision through philanthropic support of 正规博彩平台.
  • Nominee must have demonstrated continuing interest in and support of 正规博彩平台 through contribution of time and/or talent.
  • Recognized alumni who have enhanced the reputation of 正规博彩平台 through their outstanding professional achievement, 个人的成就, and or their loyal service to their alma mater.


1960 Joseph Bonansinga, 31岁
1961 Dorothy H. Claggett 50
1961 John J. 文斯的57
1961 Juanita (Reece) Jenkins ’48
1962 迈克尔·鲁尼15岁
1978 Joseph J. 西蒙尼的41
1978 伯纳德·威勒,30岁
1979 Leo Lechtenberg, 32岁
1979 汤姆·戴利,51岁
1980 Fr. Seraphin Tibesar, OFM
1980 Fr. Henry Freiburg, OFM
1980 Fr. Harold Jochem, OFM
1980 Fr. 卢西安·特罗伊,OFM
1981 Edward E. Boddy ’60
1981 Sr. Andre Friers, CPPS ' 70
1982 Bishop Albert Zuroweste ’18
1984 Paul W. Meyer ’43
1985 伯纳德·威勒,30岁
1986 约瑟夫·奎因57年
1987 Thomas Awerkamp, 40岁
1988 Richard J. 赫尔默62
1989 Robert E. Meyer ’40
1990 William E. 泰勒60
1991 Harold C. 麦金尼斯的56
1992 罗伯特·泽恩勒,1967年
1993 Richard H. Niemann,老. ’53
1994 Frank J. Kabbes的54
1995 James P. 穆尼70
1995 Janet M. 穆尼70年
1996 John D. 轮66年
1997 Thomas H. Pollihan 72
1998 爱德华·里顿,1953年
1999 雪莉·墨菲87年
2001 Dennis E. Boudreau 78
2001 Suzanne (Schultz) Boudreau ’75
2002 Richard T. 米切尔的57
2003 Maureen (Breakey) O’Donnell ’76
2003 William E. O ' donnell 73
2004 Kevin J. Breheny说78
2004 Susan L. (Pierantoni) Breheny ' 79
2005 Douglas P. Helein 73
2006 John M. 克里斯坦森的56
2007 玛丽·简·布伦纳,60岁
2008 吉姆·门泰斯,66年
2009 《正规博彩平台》(安迪 & 艾琳Orlet)
2010 老比尔·梅辛格. ’74
2012 Richard O. Ryan ’64
2013 迈克尔·轩尼诗1972年
2013 Carole (Hughes) Hennessy ’73
2014 Robert W. Schlepphorst的51
2014 Joanne M. (Ehrhart) Schlepphorst ’49
2015 保罗·布朗65年
2016 皮特·布朗,76年
2017 Roger ’57 & Mary Kay (Wayman) Venvertloh ’57
2018 乔治63年 & Mary Nell (Frier) Meyer ’63
2019 James ’59 & 朱迪思·海因茨,61年
2020 Dr. William V. Dolan ’70
2021 艾尔·克内普勒,71年
2021 露辛达·麦克莱恩71年
2022 斯蒂芬75年 & Jan (Dickson) Koester ' 77
2023 Robert Kadzielewski, 73年
2024 特蕾莎·凯特尔坎普74年

Nominations for all awards are solicited annually from faculty, staff, alumni, and friends of the university, specifically in the fall of each year. However, we accept award nominations throughout the year. We encourage nominations to be kept confidential. Submitted nominees are reviewed by Alumni Services and the final selection is made by a committee of the NAB. 

The nomination deadline for the 2025 awards is 2024年10月31日. Submissions after October 31 will be considered for the following year. Self-nominations will not be accepted. 

The winners will be announced in the spring and highlighted in the spring edition of QUniverse.




This is a form for those who wish to nominate a fellow alum who has achieved professional accomplishments and service to their communities and/or to the university.

  • 候选人的信息

  • Nominee Employment Information

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  • 提名者的信息